Friday, 28 March 2014

Smartphones-Boon Or A Curse

Smartphones is the latest craze in the market. It is not only the need of the hour but owning one of a good brand has become a status symbol. It not only provides you with the on the go information but is a storehouse of infinite information, is very compact and convenient to use, The gadgets have revolutionized the way people receive information. They provide you with constant updates, news, emails, social networking, entertainment inform of music, movies, games and more. Inspite of all the notable applications , these phones have considerable amount of drawbacks.
The biggest problem is the exorbitant prices in comparison to the basic gadgets. These can have tremendous effect on your pocket if you are planning to buy one. Moreover the data plans that these phones need for net connectivity and the applications to run, also cost you, affecting your monthly budget significantly.
Net connectivity is provided with the help of Wi-Fi or data packages. One can be online all the time and can be in sync with the world and business. But since there is constant exchange of information at all times in form of data, security is a big problem. Apps are generally provided with a password but it is not safe in these changing times. Hacking of accounts, identity theft are the major reasons of concern with these phones on the insecure network connections. Most of the data is highly vulnerable.
Also the workers productivity is hampered due to distraction caused by these phones. One is always tempted to check accounts or get in touch with the world, all thanks to the phones which have so much to offer and easily fits into pocket. It can be carried almost everywhere and has become an indispensable part of life. Many youths face the problem of identity crisis if they lose their phone or are not able to access it for a while. They cause disturbance by ringing in meeting, seminars while driving and hinder in focusing. Also many people have tough time while typing on a touch screen or using one hand to type. Lowcost handsets and easy availability has made it very easy for everyone to have phone in their pockets which ultimately spoils the children if they aren’t monitored properly.


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